Kayu Sebagai Material Ramah Lingkungan

Kayu adalah salah satu material pembangun rumah yang dinobatkan sebagai material ramah lingkungan. Hal ini dikarenakan kayu memiliki banyak sifat ramah lingkungan. Dengan menggunakan material ramah lingkungan, kita turut serta dalam menjaga alam agar tetap lestari. Berikut adalah alasan kayu dianggap sebagai material ramah lingkungan.

1. Kayu adalah sumber daya yang dapat ditumbuhkan secara alami

Kayu memiliki keunggulan sebagai bahan baku bangunan yang dapat diciptakan secara alami, yaitu dengan cara ditanam. Hal ini menjadi salah satu keunggulan terkuat kayu sebagai material ramah lingkungan, karena bahan bangunan lainnya seperti batu bata dan baja harus dibuat secara sintetis.

2. Pembuatan kayu adalah proses yang efisien

Energi dan bahan bakar yang dibutuhkan untuk memproduksi kayu lebih sedikit daripada produksi material bangunan lainnya, seperti baja dan beton. Bekas-bekas potongan kayu dan serbuk kayu pun dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bakar pemotong kayu, sehingga pembuatan material bangunan kayu cenderung efisien dan minim sampah.

3. Kayu menyerap zat karbon dan menyimpannya

Dalam ilmu biologi, dijelaskan bahwa pohon menyerap karbon dioksida dan mengeluarkan oksigen. Zat karbon dalam karbon dioksida terperangkap dalam kayu dan tidak keluar ke atmosfer. Kayu yang menjadi bahan bangunan akan tetap menyimpan akumulasi zat karbon tersebut. Jika kayu terdekomposisi dan kembali ke tanah, zat karbon akan terserap oleh tanah dan menjadi nutrisi untuk kayu-kayu lainnya yang sedang bertumbuh.

4. Kayu adalah bahan bangunan yang kuat, fleksibel, dan multifungsi

Kekuatan kayu sebagai material bangunan sudah teruji dari zaman ke zaman. Selain kuat, kayu juga mempunyai fleksibilitas yang menambah kenyamanan dan keamanan bangunan yang didirikan. Kayu sebagai material bangunan juga dapat membantu mengisolasi panas dan berfungsi sebagai peredam ataupun penguat suara.

5. Kayu dapat didaur ulang

Tak banyak material bangunan yang dapat didaur ulang, dan kayu adalah salah satunya. Kayu yang didaur ulang dapat kembali menjadi bahan bangunan. Kayu juga dapat dipotong lebih kecil dan dijadikan berbagai macam benda lainnya. Dari segi estetika, kayu bekas juga memiliki banyak peminat. Urat-urat kayu yang semakin muncul semakin kayu menua dan tekstur kayu yang tetap indah tanpa mengingat usia menjadi pilihan para pecinta kayu.


Kayu Lapis Indonesia (KLI) turut menjaga alam Indonesia dengan melakukan penebangan pohon yang bertanggung jawab, memperhitungkan usia kayu dan melakukan penanaman kembali. KLI berkomitmen memberikan produk kayu terbaik dan melestarikan bumi untuk hidup penerus bangsa.



Wood & The Environment | Southern Forest Products Association (sfpa.org)

Wood as an Environmentally Friendly Material

The impact of human construction on the environment has become a concern for quite a long time. Fortunately, wood is an environmentally friendly material. It is sustainable, renewable, recyclable, and long-lasting.

Wood is renewable. It comes and grows from nature, unlike other building materials that cannot be grown in nature. The production of wood can be repeated indefinitely because it can be harvested and replanted multiple times.

Wood is recyclable, unlike many other building materials. In fact, wood is the only recyclable building material. Recycled wood has values, sometimes even higher than newly fabricated wood. The market for recycled wood (also known as reclaimed wood) is very ripe. 

Wood has a unique property, that it traps carbon within itself. To sustain their growth, trees absorb carbon dioxide. It means that the carbon is trapped inside the wood. 

If the wood is allowed to naturally rot on the ground, the carbon returned to the ground, instead of the air. Thus, wood helps prevent the increase of greenhouse gas. 

Moreover, the replanting of trees increases the amount of carbon trapped in it. The wood production cycle (harvesting and replanting) is an ecologically advantageous process.

The process of carbon trapping inside a tree is the inverse of the production of other building materials, such as steel, brick, glass, and concrete. Other building materials are releasing carbon into the air, therefore increasing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.

Other than its environmentally friendly nature, wood is a strong and reliable material that can compete with other, synthetic materials. It is also a flexible, environmentally friendly material that can be used for many purposes.

Wood’s thermal and electrical insulation properties are very valuable. It has acoustic dampening or amplifying properties, based on how it is oriented. Wood, as a building material, is easily maintained. Moreover, its great variety makes wood a feast for the eyes, whichever type of wood is chosen.

In all standards of measurement, wood is an amazing building material. It is mechanically strong, versatile, and sustainable in multiple ways. Using wood as a building material is economically and environmentally viable. That is why Kayu Lapis Indonesia is dedicated to creating quality wood because quality wood means a better future.





All You Need to Know About Wall Cladding

Source: Unsplash by chris robert


What is Wall Cladding?

Wall cladding is the process of layering material on top of a wall. Its function is to cover the wall, increasing its functionality and visual appeal. There are various materials that can be used, each comes with its own strength and weaknesses.

Source: Unsplash by Avi Waxman

Benefits of Cladding

Wall cladding has its benefits, both functionally and visually. In terms of functional benefits, it can increase the strength and durability of a wall against multiple hazards, such as heat, sunlight, water, and other chemical pollutants. Wall cladding can improve thermal insulation and sound absorption of a building. Visually, different materials give different looks or aesthetics to a building. This can make a building looks distinct from other buildings in its vicinity.

Source: Unsplash by CHUTTERSNAP

Types of Wall Cladding

There are multiple types of wall cladding, each serves different purposes. Brick cladding is a type of cladding that utilizes lightweight brick. It protects walls from hazards that can nick or dent a wall and adds thermal insulation. It is available in different colors.

Stainless steel cladding is a strong and durable cladding against environmental hazards. It is especially good against corrosion, due to the fact that it forms a passive layer of chromium oxide when in contact with oxygen. This layer protects the stainless steel, shielding it from further corrosion.

Vinyl cladding is one of the cheapest cladding materials available on the market. It is lightweight, insulated properly, and installed easily, making it a simple yet reliable cladding material.

One of the most aesthetically pleasing of all claddings, wood cladding comes with many advantages. It can insulate buildings from heat and resist weather, making it a perfect choice for outdoor use. The types of wood are expansive, ranging from softwood to hardwood, from oak to pine. Natural woods have different markings, so you can be sure that there will be no two identical panels of wood. It is a good choice both in the functionality and visual department.

To accommodate people’s needs in wood wall cladding, Kayu Lapis Indonesia creates quality wood panels that are suitable for different uses. Kayu Lapis Indonesia’s strong, long-lasting woods are perfect for many needs and occasions.




Wood in Architecture Trends 2022

Source: Unsplash by Linus Mimietz


In 2022, the global architecture trend goes to environmental issues. 75% of architects, engineers, contractors, and operators see that sustainability is the key issue. As one of the few sustainable building materials, wood architecture takes center place as environmental consideration reaches its climax.

Timber is now the preferred building material, placed in the 1st place according to the Architecture and Design Trends 2022 report by Thermory, alongside sustainability. Wood architecture is strong and durable, with multiple looks and feels for convenience. 

Both for large, urban settlements and secluded, small dwellings, wood architecture’s strength, and flexibility gives credence for its popularity.

Timber as a building material has many advantages over other building materials: it promotes sustainability, renewability, and carbon footprint reduction. 

Source: Unsplash by Hutomo Abrianto

Wood is a sustainable and renewable material because it comes from nature and it is easy to reuse. Wood architecture traps carbon in its structure until it is returned to nature, contributing to the slowing of global warming.

Wood architecture makes humans closer to nature, which has positive effects on human health and wellness, both physiologically and psychologically. According to the Architecture and Design Trends 2022 report by Thermory, wellness at home places in the 8th place.

Humans intrinsically strive to be close to nature, a phenomenon known as biophilia – love of nature. Manmade constructs, such as concrete, steel, and plastics can be detrimental to human’s mental health since it is far removed from the natural world.

Using or adding wood to building design achieves that closeness. The benefits of wood architecture for the human body are lower stress levels, higher relaxation, and added concentration, which led to increased productivity and positivity of people living and working in the vicinity. Adding other natural elements such as natural running water and living plants also achieves this effect.

Source: https://us.kebony.com/blog/building-architecture-17-examples-of-modern-wooden-building-architecture/

Natural wood’s flexibility makes it possible to create unique buildings. Many buildings, such as Seattle’s Burke Museum and Trondheim’s Moholt 50|50, use wood with creativity.

Floors, walls, and ceilings can be customized with wood to give a new atmosphere to old dwellings. Even old timbers can be captivating to the eyes, with proper care and maintenance.

With wood as a trending material in 2022’s architecture and design, Kayu Lapis Indonesia is committed to quality wood products and sustainability. Kayu Lapis Indonesia’s motto is always the same: Establishing Layers of Sustainable Future.




